Dr. Charlie Seltzer’s Blog
Read our blog to see what our weight loss specialist and physician have to say about health and nutrition.
How to Lose Weight While Working Night Shift
If you are one of the millions of Americans who work night shifts, you are probably sleep-deprived. When you don’t get enough quality shut-eye, your health begins to suffer, and losing weight can seem impossible.
How Sleep Affects Weight Loss More Than You Think
According to a study published in the Annals of Internal Medicine, dieters that were getting adequate sleep (7+hours per night) were losing body fat, not muscle mass. Dieters that were not getting adequate sleep experienced 55% less fat loss than dieters getting adequate sleep.
May is Mental Health Awareness Month: Charlie's Story
May is mental health awareness month, so I thought it was a good time to write about where I am with my mental health issues. For me, getting my thoughts on paper is helpful in solidifying a plan to move forward. Hopefully, this may spur anyone struggling with similar issues to take action.
Stephen Fulton Jr., Best Kept Secret
Wishing Stephen Coolboysteph Fulton Jr @coolboysteph all the luck as he faces Paulus Ambunda for the IBO super-bantamweight championship tonight.
They say a picture’s worth 1,000 words.
They say a picture’s worth 1,000 words, so on this Motivation Monday I give you before and after shots of my patient Marnie Bejarano taken exactly 1 year apart. WOW! Marnie has been so dedicated and looks FABULOUS – she certainly deserves a shout out and then some.
What's the secret to weight loss success?
Check out the before and afters of this dynamic duo. Combined they’ve lost 100 lbs. People ask me, “what the secret to weight loss success?” I tell them honestly: there is no secret.
Built Bar Video Review Contest - DABOM
Don’t hate me because I’m surrounded by a sea of Built Bars. I can’t help it that I WON the Built Bar Video Review Contest.
Client Love - Patient Testimonial: "I was running out of options."
Many thanks to my patient Rachael B. for writing this testimonial, which in the office we call “Client Love.”
Here's Why Your Favorite Celeb's Diet Might Not Work for You
Chances are, at some point, you’ve read a celebrity’s diet tips or food diary and wondered whether you’d look and feel as good if you began your days with a green smoothie, ate a kale salad for lunch, filled your dinner plate with grilled fish and steamed veggies, and topped it all off with a small piece of dark chocolate. Sounds like a good path to health and weight loss, right?
Patient Story
I saw a patient yesterday who started with us last June at 172 pounds. By February (8 months/32 weeks), she was below 130 (42+ pounds) and has steadily continued to drop.
What do our patients eat to lose all the weight they do?
Weight loss is simple: Eat fewer calories than you burn. Doing this in the context of your life is what becomes challenging. By keeping an accurate account of what you have been doing, then tweaking to bring down calories is always a better idea than trying a “diet” or a trying to overhaul your lifestyle starting tomorrow morning.
Lose Weight AND Eat Jellybeans
Doing this interview was amazing. I think this information is invaluable if you’re interested in losing weight permanently.
Tips to Achieve Your New Year's Resolution
If weight loss is on your New Year’s Resolutions list this year, here are three things to increase the likelihood of your success.
The Truth About Weight Loss vs. Fat Loss
Crash diets, which almost always include drastic carbohydrate reduction, do cause an initial drop in the scale, but this “weight” decrease is from the elimination of water and sugar from your muscles. IT IS NOT FAT!
When Life Gives You Lemons
I have Parsonage Turner Syndrome. This is a rare condition in which there is damage to or complete destruction of nerves that control the muscles of the shoulder. This results in paralysis of the muscles controlled by those nerves.